Slowburn Brewing Co-op


195,00 kr
Come into the warmth for our monthly communal dinner in our cozy bar!
Chef Susanne Knage will spoil you with a delicious meal prepared with seasonal ingredients. All the guests are seated together at a long table, the food is served on plentiful sharing platters.
Now that the cold weather is upon us we hope to create a comfortable place for local community, scrumptious food, new acquaintances and togetherness.
We open the bar at 18:00 and the food is served at 18:30. You can buy beer, wine, non-alcoholic beer, soft drinks etc. in the bar.

18/09/24 - Kalvespidsbryst / Langtidsbagt selleri (v)
Med peberrodssovs, dampede grøntsager, kartofler og urter. Serveres med brød og salat.

09/10/24 - Coq au vin / Légumes au vin (v)
Med kartoffelmos, rødder & salat

13/11/24 - Gule ærter
Med flæsk, pølser, bagte rodfrugter & sennep. Dessert: Pandekager m. syltetøj
Desert: Pandekager med syltetøj

11/12/24 - Christmas feast a la Slowburn
Menu TBC

Slowburn Brewing Co-op
Fængselsvej 43
2620 Albertslund


If you have bought a ticket and find yourself unable to attend we cannot refund your money - you need to give your ticket to a friend or sell it onward yourself, in which case it is helpful if you e-mail the name change on to

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